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Text File  |  1999-04-09  |  8KB  |  116 lines

  2.                                                          #               
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  5.         ·#####     #######             ##└·####└·###  └·##               
  6.         └─·####   ·###─·##   #         ###└─·###└·##    ##               
  7.            ###·   │##   ##  ####      ##### └·##  ###   ###          
  8.            ##·    └─·   ##·######    #####·   ##   ####  ##            
  9.           ###           ##└──·#### #####─·##  ##    ##########        
  10.          ###·        ######  └─·######─· │## ####### ·######─·         
  11.         ####       ########     ####─·   └─· #####─· └───·###            
  12.       #####·      #####─·##   #######  ·#### ##──· ·###   ###            
  13.      ·####·      ####─·  ## #####·#### └·### ##    └·##    ###           
  14.      │########   ###·  #### ####·  ###   ##·###     │###   ###           
  15.      └·######### ### #######·##·    ##   ## ###     └·########           
  16.       └─────·#### ######─·##└─·     ·##·### #######  └·######·           
  17.             └─· # ·###─·  ·#        │##└──· ###########─────·                  
  18.      (c) JohnMason└──·    └·        └─·#  ·###────────·                           
  19.                                       └·  └──·
  20. ╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╕
  21. │                                                                  │
  22. │   Title  :  X-Wing Alliance v1.0 No-CD Crack *German*            │
  23. │   URL    :  See the place where you usually get your game CDs.   │
  24. │   Done by:  VTeC                                                 │
  25. │   Date   :  04-09-99                                             │
  26. │                                                            ╒═════╧═══╕
  27. │     ┌─────· ·                                              │         │
  28. ╞═════╛  NOTES  ╒════════════════════════════════════════════╡(X)GAME  │
  29. │       · ·─────┘                                            │( )APP   ·
  30. │                                                            │( )OTHER   
  31. │ X-Wing Alliance is the latest installment in LucasArts'    │         ·
  32. │ Star Wars space combat series.                             │( )SERIAL·
  33. │ The game features graphic and sound 3D acceleration        │(X)CRACK 
  34. │ as well as excellent gameplay. Most likely it will be      │( )KEYGEN·
  35. │ the last game based on the "old" Star Wars movies with     │( )REGKEY│   
  36. │ Episode 1 coming up soon.                                  │( )OTHER │  
  37. │                                   ╘═════╤═══╛
  38. │                                                                  │
  39. │ Requirements:                                                    │
  40. │                                                                  │
  41. │ Both source CDs of X-Wing Alliance (XWA).                        │   
  42. │                                                                  │                                                                                                             │
  43. │                                                                  │
  44. │ Instructions:                                                    │
  45. │                                                                  │
  46. │ - Make a *full* HD installation of XWA from CD1.                 │
  47. │ - Copy the complete directory "WAVE" from CD1 to your XWA root   │
  48. │   directory, e.g. "C:\GAMES\XWA".                                │
  49. │ - Copy the complete "MOVIES" directory from CD1 to your XWA root │  
  50. │   directory. This will add some files to your XWA "MOVIES" dir.  │
  51. │ - Copy the file "DISK2.ID" from CD2 to your XWA root directory.  │
  52. │ - Copy all "BATTLE*.SMN" files from the "MOVIES" dir on CD2      │
  53. │   to your XWA "MOVIES" directory, e.g. "C:\GAMES\XWA\MOVIES".    │
  54. │ - Copy the registry setup file "regsetup.exe" to your XWA root   │ 
  55. │   directory and execute it to adjust the game registry settings  │
  56. │   for No-CD playing.                                             │ 
  57. │ - Remove the read only attribute from "XWINGALLIANCE.EXE" (if    │
  58. │   necessary).                                                    │ 
  59. │ - Finally copy the crack file "xwacrack.exe" to your XWA root    │ 
  60. │   directory, execute the crack, and the CD checks are history.   │ 
  61. │                                                                  │
  62. │ Execute "XWINGALLIANCE.EXE" to play the game. The launcher       │
  63. │ "ALLIANCE.EXE" will be non-working and is not needed anyway.     │
  64. │                                                                  │
  65. │ Notice: This complete No-CD installation takes up ~900 megs of   │
  66. │ HD space. If you want to bring this down later, you can delete   │
  67. │ the big movie files from the "MOVIE" directory.                  │
  68. │                                                                  │
  69. │                                                                  │
  70. │     ┌─────· ·                                                    │
  71. ╞═════╛ MEMBERS ╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  72. │       · ·─────┘                                                  │
  73. │                                                                  │
  74. │   aNIMALo..............................................Founder   │
  75. │   Yaan.........................................Council/Cracker   │
  76. │   _vtec........................................Council/Cracker   │
  77. │   JoGy.................................................Cracker   │
  78. │   swoop................................................Cracker   │
  79. │   WaxWeazle............................................Cracker   │
  80. │   Pedro................................................Cracker   │ 
  81. │   WuSing.............................................Webmaster   │
  82. │   Slick................................................Courier   │  
  83. │                                                                  │ 
  84. │   Raistlinmage...................................TRIAL/Cracker   │
  85. │   Paulux.........................................TRIAL/Cracker   │
  86. │   PeeGee.........................................TRIAL/Cracker   │
  87. │                                                                  │ 
  88. │     ┌─────· ·                                                    │
  89. ╞═════╛AFFILIATES╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  90. │       · ·──────┘                                                 │
  91. │                                                                  │
  92. │   Radiance .................. .................Supported Group   │
  93. │   #cracks......................................Partner Channel   │
  94. │                                                                  │
  95. │     ┌─────· ·                                                    │
  96. ╞═════╛GREETINGS╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  97. │       · ·─────┘                                                  │
  98. │                                                                  │
  99. │           UCF2000 · PhroZen Crew · Radiance · Razor1911          │
  100. │                                                                  │
  101. │     ┌─────· ·                                                    │
  102. ╞═════╛PERSONAL GREETINGS╒═════════════════════════════════════════╡
  103. │                · ·─────┘                                         │
  104. │                                                                  │
  105. │                SnoozeCat, Pedro, TheMadGuy, Toast                │
  106. │     ┌─────· ·                                                    │
  107. ╞═════╛ CONTACT ╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  108. │       · ·─────┘                                                  │
  109. │                                                                  │
  110. │   On IRC: #laxity, #cracks                                       │
  111. │   WWW   : http://listen.to/laxity, http://www.zor.org/laxity     │
  112. │                                                                  │
  113. │   If you think you are the right one to join LAXiTY, no matter   │
  114. │   what you can do for us, get in contact with _vtec or Yaan.     │
  115. │                                                                  │
  116. ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛